Antrian yang diketik secara dependen di haskell

Saya mencoba menjawab pertanyaan saya sendiri tentang contoh menggunakan ekstensi PolyKinds di GHC, dan muncul menghadapi masalah yang lebih konkrit. Saya mencoba memodelkan antrian yang terdiri dari dua daftar, daftar utama tempat dequeue mengambil elemen, dan daftar ekor tempat enqueue meletakkannya. Untuk membuatnya menarik, saya memutuskan untuk menambahkan batasan bahwa daftar ekor tidak boleh lebih panjang dari daftar kepala.

Tampaknya enqueue harus mengembalikan tipe yang berbeda apakah antriannya harus seimbang atau tidak. Apakah mungkin memberikan tipe yang tepat untuk fungsi enqueue dengan batasan ini?

Kode yang saya miliki saat ini ada di sini:

{-#LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances,
    UndecidableInstances, TypeFamilies, PolyKinds, GADTs,

-- Queue consist of a head and tail lists with the invariant that the
-- tail list should never grow longer than the head list.

-- Type for representing the invariant of the queue
data MyConstraint = Constraint Nat Nat
type family Valid c :: Bool
type instance Valid (Constraint a b) = GE a b 

-- The queue type. Should the constraint be here?
data Queue :: * -> MyConstraint -> * where
  Empty :: Queue a (Constraint Zero Zero)
  NonEmpty :: Valid (Constraint n m) ~ True => 
          LenList a n -> LenList a m -> Queue a (Constraint n m) 

instance (Show a) => Show (Queue a c) where
  show Empty = "Empty"
  show (NonEmpty a b) = "NonEmpty "++quote a ++ " " ++ quote b

quote a = "("++show a++")"

-- Check the head of the queue
peek :: GE m (Succ Zero) ~ True => Queue a (Constraint m n) -> a
peek (NonEmpty (CONS a _) _) = a

-- Add an element to the queue where head is shorter than the tail
push :: (Valid (Constraint m (Succ n))) ~ True =>  
        a -> Queue a (Constraint m n) -> Queue a (Constraint m (Succ n))
push x (NonEmpty hd as) = NonEmpty hd (CONS x as)

-- Create a single element queue
singleton :: (Valid (Constraint (Succ Zero) Zero)) ~ True =>  
        a -> Queue a (Constraint (Succ Zero) Zero) 
singleton x = NonEmpty (CONS x NIL) NIL

-- Reset the queue by reversing the tail list and appending it to the head list
reset :: (Valid (Constraint (Plus m n) Zero)) ~ True =>
      Queue a (Constraint m n) -> Queue a (Constraint (Plus m n) Zero)
reset Empty = Empty
reset (NonEmpty a b) = NonEmpty (cat a b) NIL -- Should have a reverse here

enqueue :: ?? 
enqueue = -- If the tail is longer than head, `reset` and then `push`, otherwise just `push`

Daftar level tipe tambahan dan nat didefinisikan di bawah ini.

-- Type Level natural numbers and operations

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

type family Plus m n :: Nat
type instance Plus Zero n = n
type instance Plus n Zero = n
type instance Plus (Succ m) n = Succ (Plus m n)

type family GE m n :: Bool
type instance GE (Succ m) Zero = True
type instance GE Zero (Succ m) = False
type instance GE Zero  Zero = True
type instance GE (Succ m) (Succ n) = GE m n

type family EQ m n :: Bool
type instance EQ Zero Zero = True
type instance EQ Zero (Succ m) = False
type instance EQ (Succ m) Zero = False
type instance EQ (Succ m) (Succ n) = EQ m n

-- Lists with statically typed lengths
data LenList :: * -> Nat -> * where
  NIL :: LenList a Zero
  CONS :: a -> LenList a n -> LenList a (Succ n)

instance (Show a) => Show (LenList a c) where
  show x = "LenList " ++ (show . toList $ x)

-- Convert to ordinary list
toList :: forall a. forall m. LenList a m -> [a]
toList NIL = []
toList (CONS a b) = a:toList b

-- Concatenate two lists
cat :: LenList a n -> LenList a m -> LenList a (Plus n m)
cat NIL a = a
cat a   NIL = a
cat (CONS a b) cs = CONS a (cat b cs)

person aleator    schedule 29.12.2011    source sumber
Tanyakan pada diri Anda apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh jenis Antrean kepada Anda. Apakah Anda ingin mempertahankan invarian (antara daftar) secara internal? Apakah Anda ingin mengekspos panjang antrian? Anda mungkin juga ingin mempertimbangkan untuk menyimpan saksi perbedaan panjang daftar, yang akan berkurang menjadi nol saat Anda mengantre, sehingga memberi tahu Anda dengan mudah kebijakan mana yang harus dipilih dan kapan harus menyeimbangkan kembali.   -  person pigworker    schedule 29.12.2011

Jawaban (1)

Mengikuti petunjuk Pigworkers, saya berhasil membuat sedikit kode berikut. Saya menambahkan tanda bahwa antrian perlu diatur ulang ke batasan dan menggunakannya untuk mengirimkan panggilan ke versi enqueue yang sesuai.

Hasilnya agak bertele-tele dan saya masih mencari jawaban atau perbaikan yang lebih baik dalam hal ini. (Saya bahkan tidak begitu yakin bahwa saya berhasil mencakup semua kasus pelanggaran invarian dengan batasannya.)

-- Type for representing the invariant of the queue
data MyConstraint = Constraint Nat Nat Bool
type family Valid c :: Bool
type instance Valid (Constraint a b c) = GE a b 

type family MkConstraint m n :: MyConstraint
type instance MkConstraint m n = Constraint m n (EQ m n)

-- The queue type. Should the constraint be here?
data Queue :: * -> MyConstraint -> * where
  Empty :: Queue a (MkConstraint Zero Zero)
  NonEmpty :: --Valid (Constraint n m True) ~ True => -- Should I have this here?
          LenList a n -> LenList a m -> Queue a (MkConstraint n m) 

instance (Show a) => Show (Queue a c) where
  show Empty = "Empty"
  show (NonEmpty a b) = "NonEmpty "++quote a ++ " " ++ quote b

quote a = "("++show a++")"

-- Check the head of the queue
peek :: GE m (Succ Zero) ~ True => Queue a (Constraint m n f) -> a
peek (NonEmpty (CONS a _) _) = a

-- Since the only way to dispatch using the type seems to be a typeclass,
-- and enqueue must behave differently with different constraint-types it follows
-- that the enqueue needs to be in a typeclass?
class Enqueue a where
  type Elem a :: *
  type Next a :: *
  -- Add an element to the queue where head is shorter than the tail
  enqueue :: Elem a -> a -> Next a

-- Enqueuing when the queue doesn't need resetting.
instance Enqueue (Queue a (Constraint m n False)) where
  type Elem (Queue a (Constraint m n False)) = a
  type Next (Queue a (Constraint m n False)) = 
        (Queue a (MkConstraint m (Succ n))) 
  enqueue x (NonEmpty hd as) = NonEmpty hd (CONS x as)

-- Enqueuing when the queue needs to be reset.
instance Enqueue (Queue a (Constraint m n True)) where
  type Elem (Queue a (Constraint m n True)) = a
  type Next (Queue a (Constraint m n True)) = 
        Queue a (MkConstraint (Plus m (Succ n)) Zero)
  enqueue x Empty = NonEmpty (CONS x NIL) NIL 
  enqueue x (NonEmpty hd tl) = NonEmpty (cat hd (CONS x tl)) NIL 
                  -- Should have a reverse tl here. Omitted for
                  -- brevity.
person aleator    schedule 30.12.2011