Python (BeautifulSoup) - For Loop mengembalikan semua hasil untuk satu div, bukan satu nilai yang diharapkan

Saya sedang membuat pengikis Kebersihan Makanan. Saya telah sampai pada titik di mana saya berhasil mendapatkan nama dan alamat semua restoran berdasarkan kode pos yang dimasukkan oleh pengguna. Saya telah mencoba menampilkan nilai peringkat kebersihan makanan untuk setiap hasil juga.

Nilai ini disimpan dengan cara berikut di halaman web:

<div class="rating-image" style="clear: right;">
                <a href="/id/business/abbey-community-college-newtownabbey-antrim-992915.html" title="View Details">
                    <img src="" alt="5 (Very Good)">

Saya mencoba mengekstrak teks alt img

Kode saya di bawah:

import requests
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

class RestaurantScraper(object):

def __init__(self, pc):
    self.pc = pc        # the input postcode
    self.max_page = self.find_max_page()        # The number of page available
    self.restaurants = list()       # the final list of restaurants where the scrape data will at the end of process

def run(self):
    for url in self.generate_pages_to_scrape():
        restaurants_from_url = self.scrape_page(url)
        self.restaurants += restaurants_from_url     # we increment the  restaurants to the global restaurants list

def create_url(self):
    Create a core url to scrape
    :return: A url without pagination (= page 1)
    return "" + self.pc + \

def create_paginated_url(self, page_number):
    Create a paginated url
    :param page_number: pagination (integer)
    :return: A url paginated
    return self.create_url() + "&page={}".format(str(page_number))

def find_max_page(self):
    Function to find the number of pages for a specific search.
    :return: The number of pages (integer)
    r = requests.get(self.create_url())
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml")
    pagination_soup = soup.findAll("div", {"id": "paginator"})
    pagination = pagination_soup[0]
    page_text = pagination("p")[0].text
    return int(page_text.replace('Page 1 of ', ''))

def generate_pages_to_scrape(self):
    Generate all the paginated url using the max_page attribute previously scraped.
    :return: List of urls
    return [self.create_paginated_url(page_number) for page_number in range(1, self.max_page + 1)]

def scrape_page(self, url):
    This is coming from your original code snippet. This probably need a bit of work, but you get the idea.
    :param url: Url to scrape and get data from.
    r = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml")
    g_data = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "search-result"})
    ratings ='div.rating-image img[alt]')
    restaurants = list()
    for item in g_data:
        name = print (item.find_all("a", {"class": "name"})[0].text)
            print (item.find_all("span", {"class": "address"})[0].text)
        for rating in ratings:
            bleh = rating['alt']
            print (bleh)
    return restaurants

if __name__ == '__main__':
pc = input('Give your post code')
scraper = RestaurantScraper(pc)
print ("{} restaurants scraped".format(str(len(scraper.restaurants))))

Cara saya mencoba mengumpulkan setiap peringkat kebersihan untuk setiap restoran adalah menggunakan perulangan for seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini:

 for rating in ratings:
            bleh = rating['alt']
            print (bleh)

Masalahnya adalah ketika skrip dijalankan di bawah nama dan alamat masing-masing restoran, ia menampilkan semua peringkat kebersihan makanan untuk semua restoran di halaman, sedangkan saya ingin setiap peringkat ditampilkan di bawah setiap restoran.

Output semua peringkat yang ditampilkan salah

Saya berpikir ini mungkin posisi loop for yang salah?

Terima kasih banyak kepada siapa saja yang melihat ini, dan kepada siapa saja yang memberikan bimbingan

person Brendan Rodgers    schedule 16.02.2017    source sumber

Jawaban (1)

Ini berfungsi, sepertinya saya lupa menambahkan loop for untuk peringkat ke blok coba kecuali. Setelah menambahkannya ke blok ini, peringkat tunggal untuk setiap restoran ditampilkan dengan benar.

Di bawah ini adalah kode yang berfungsi sepenuhnya

import requests
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

class RestaurantScraper(object):

def __init__(self, pc):
    self.pc = pc        # the input postcode
    self.max_page = self.find_max_page()        # The number of page available
    self.restaurants = list()       # the final list of restaurants where the scrape data will at the end of process

def run(self):
    for url in self.generate_pages_to_scrape():
        restaurants_from_url = self.scrape_page(url)
        self.restaurants += restaurants_from_url     # we increment the  restaurants to the global restaurants list

def create_url(self):
    Create a core url to scrape
    :return: A url without pagination (= page 1)
    return "" + self.pc + \

def create_paginated_url(self, page_number):
    Create a paginated url
    :param page_number: pagination (integer)
    :return: A url paginated
    return self.create_url() + "&page={}".format(str(page_number))

def find_max_page(self):
    Function to find the number of pages for a specific search.
    :return: The number of pages (integer)
    r = requests.get(self.create_url())
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml")
    pagination_soup = soup.findAll("div", {"id": "paginator"})
    pagination = pagination_soup[0]
    page_text = pagination("p")[0].text
    return int(page_text.replace('Page 1 of ', ''))

def generate_pages_to_scrape(self):
    Generate all the paginated url using the max_page attribute previously scraped.
    :return: List of urls
    return [self.create_paginated_url(page_number) for page_number in range(1, self.max_page + 1)]

def scrape_page(self, url):
    This is coming from your original code snippet. This probably need a bit of work, but you get the idea.
    :param url: Url to scrape and get data from.
    r = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml")
    g_data = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "search-result"})
    ratings ='div.rating-image img[alt]')
    restaurants = list()
    for item in g_data:
        name = print (item.find_all("a", {"class": "name"})[0].text)
            print (item.find_all("span", {"class": "address"})[0].text)
            for rating in ratings:
                bleh = rating['alt']
                print (bleh)[0].text
    return restaurants

if __name__ == '__main__':
pc = input('Give your post code')
scraper = RestaurantScraper(pc)
print ("{} restaurants scraped".format(str(len(scraper.restaurants))))

Bagian yang memecahkan masalah ini adalah:

        for rating in ratings:
            bleh = rating['alt']
            print (bleh)[0].text
return restaurants
person Brendan Rodgers    schedule 16.02.2017