Cocokkan garis kisi dengan tanda sumbu di plot regresi 3D (persp dan rockchalk)

Saya mencoba mencocokkan garis kisi saya dengan tanda centang sumbu saya di plot ini sehingga angka-angkanya seragam di seluruh sumbu dan mudah dibaca. Adakah yang tahu bagaimana melakukan ini? Karena saya menggunakan dua paket berbeda (persp dan rockchalk) pada saat yang sama saya merasa cukup sulit untuk menemukan kode yang pasti berfungsi.

Sample       Coral.cover   Coral.richness   Water.Temp
 r.2002.c.1        59              5             23.90         57
 r.2002.c.2        71              9             33.43         70
 r.2002.c.3        55              10            23.33         55
 r.2002.c.4        58              10            22.14         56
 r.2002.c.5        62              8             26.82         61
 r.2002.c.6        65              10            29.07         64
 r.2002.s.1        86              10            38.76         84
 r.2002.s.2        71              10            30.28         68
 r.2002.s.3        91              6             27.85         89
 r.2002.s.4        63              0             28.03         62
 r.2002.s.5        75              2             31.67         75
 r.2002.s.6        63              2             29.43         63


mod3 <- mcGraph3(Coral.cover, Coral.richness,, 
             interaction = F,
             theta = -40 ,
             phi =20,
             x1lab = "",
             x2lab = "",
             ylab = "",
             x1lim = c(46,100),
             ylim = c(-2.5, 12.5),
             zlim =c(40, 100),
             col = 'white',
             border = 'black',
             box = T,
             axes = T,
             ticktype = "detailed",
             ntick = 4)

Inilah yang saya miliki saat ini (mengabaikan label yang di-photoshop):

Plot Regresi 3D dengan sumbu dan tanda centang tidak sejajar

Bantuan apa pun dihargai.

Terima kasih

df <- structure(list(Sample = structure(1:12, .Label = c("r.2002.c.1", 
  "r.2002.c.2", "r.2002.c.3", "r.2002.c.4", "r.2002.c.5", "r.2002.c.6", 
  "r.2002.s.1", "r.2002.s.2", "r.2002.s.3", "r.2002.s.4", "r.2002.s.5", 
  "r.2002.s.6"), class = "factor"), Coral.cover = c(59L, 71L, 55L, 
  58L, 62L, 65L, 86L, 71L, 91L, 63L, 75L, 63L), Coral.richness = c(5L, 
  9L, 10L, 10L, 8L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 6L, 0L, 2L, 2L), Water.Temp = c(23.9, 
  33.43, 23.33, 22.14, 26.82, 29.07, 38.76, 30.28, 27.85, 28.03, 
  31.67, 29.43), = c(57L, 70L, 55L, 56L, 61L, 64L, 84L, 
  68L, 89L, 62L, 75L, 63L)), .Names = c("Sample", "Coral.cover", 
  "Coral.richness", "Water.Temp", ""), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

Coral.cover <- df[,2]
Coral.richness <- df[,3] <- df[,5]

person user2443444    schedule 22.11.2016    source sumber

Jawaban (1)

Saya pikir sebaiknya menggambar grafik tanpa paket rockchalk dan menambahkan sesuatu secara manual. Saya menggunakan paket plot3D (menyediakan fungsi tambahan persp).

 ## preparation of some values for mesh of fitted value
fit <- lm( ~ Coral.cover + Coral.richness)  # model
x.p <- seq(46, 100, length = 20)                     # x-grid of mesh
y.p <- seq(-2.5, 12.5, length = 20)                  # y-grid of mesh
z.p <- matrix(predict(fit, expand.grid(Coral.cover = x.p, Coral.richness = y.p)), 20) # prediction from xy-grid

  # box, grid, bottom points, and so on
scatter3D(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, rep(40, 12), colvar = NA, bty = "b2", 
          xlim = c(46,100), ylim = c(-2.5, 12.5), zlim = c(40,100), theta = -40, phi = 20, 
          r = 10, ticktype = "detailed", pch = 19, col = "gray", nticks = 4)
  # mesh, real points
scatter3D(Coral.cover, Coral.richness,, add = T, colvar = NA, col = "blue",
          surf = list(x = x.p, y = y.p, z = z.p, facets = NA, col = "gray80"))
  # arrow from prediction to observation
arrows3D(x0 = Coral.cover, y0 = Coral.richness, z0 = fit$fitted.values, z1 =, 
         type = "simple", lty = 2, add = T, col = "red")

 ### [bonus] persp() version
pmat <- persp(x.p, y.p, z.p, xlim = c(46,100), ylim = c(-2.5, 12.5), zlim = c(40,100), theta = -40, phi = 20, 
              r = 10, ticktype = "detailed", pch = 19, col = NA, border = "gray", nticks = 4)
for (ix in seq(50, 100, 10)) lines (trans3d(x = ix, y = c(-2.5, 12.5), z= 40, pmat = pmat), col = "black") 
for (iy in seq(0, 10, 5)) lines (trans3d(x = c(46, 100), y = iy, z= 40, pmat = pmat), col = "black")

points(trans3d(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, rep(40, 12), pmat = pmat), col = "gray", pch = 19)
points(trans3d(Coral.cover, Coral.richness,, pmat = pmat), col = "blue")

xy0 <- trans3d(Coral.cover, Coral.richness, fit$fitted.values, pmat = pmat)
xy1 <- trans3d(Coral.cover, Coral.richness,, pmat = pmat)
arrows(xy0[[1]], xy0[[2]], xy1[[1]], xy1[[2]], col = "red", lty = 2, length = 0.1)

masukkan deskripsi gambar di sini

[tanggapan terhadap komentar]
Komentar Anda masuk akal. Namun mcGraph3() tidak memiliki opsi terkait grid dan tidak dapat menggunakan add = T sebagai argumen. Jadi saya menunjukkan mcGraph3() yang dimodifikasi (ini cara hacky) dan fungsi saya untuk menggambar grid.

Fungsi: my_mcGraph3 dan persp_grid (mungkin ada baiknya menyimpan kode ini sebagai file .R dan dibaca oleh source("file_name.R"))

my_mcGraph3 <- function (x1, x2, y, interaction = FALSE, drawArrows = TRUE, 
                         x1lab, x2lab, ylab, col = "white", border = "black", x1lim = NULL, x2lim = NULL, 
                         grid = TRUE, meshcol = "black", ...)   # <-- new arguments
  x1range <- magRange(x1, 1.25)
  x2range <- magRange(x2, 1.25)
  yrange <- magRange(y, 1.5)
  if (missing(x1lab)) 
    x1lab <- gsub(".*\\$", "", deparse(substitute(x1)))
  if (missing(x2lab)) 
    x2lab <- gsub(".*\\$", "", deparse(substitute(x2)))
  if (missing(ylab)) 
    ylab <- gsub(".*\\$", "", deparse(substitute(y)))
  if (grid) {
    res <- perspEmpty(x1 = plotSeq(x1range, 5), x2 = plotSeq(x2range, 5),
                      y = yrange, x1lab = x1lab, x2lab = x2lab, ylab = ylab, ...)
  } else {
    if (is.null(x1lim)) x1lim <- x1range
    if (is.null(x2lim)) x2lim <- x2range
    res <- persp(x = x1range, y = x2range, z = rbind(yrange, yrange), 
                 xlab = x1lab, ylab = x2lab, zlab = ylab, xlim = x1lim, ylim = x2lim, col = "#00000000", border = NA, ...)
  mypoints1 <- trans3d(x1, x2, yrange[1], pmat = res)
  points(mypoints1, pch = 16, col = gray(0.8))
  mypoints2 <- trans3d(x1, x2, y, pmat = res)
  points(mypoints2, pch = 1, col = "blue")
  if (interaction) m1 <- lm(y ~ x1 * x2) else m1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2)
  x1seq <- plotSeq(x1range, length.out = 20)
  x2seq <- plotSeq(x2range, length.out = 20)
  zplane <- outer(x1seq, x2seq, function(a, b) {
    predict(m1, newdata = data.frame(x1 = a, x2 = b))
  for (i in 1:length(x1seq)) {
    lines(trans3d(x1seq[i], x2seq, zplane[i, ], pmat = res), lwd = 0.3, col = meshcol)
  for (j in 1:length(x2seq)) {
    lines(trans3d(x1seq, x2seq[j], zplane[, j], pmat = res), lwd = 0.3, col = meshcol)
  mypoints4 <- trans3d(x1, x2, fitted(m1), pmat = res)
  newy <- ifelse(fitted(m1) < y, fitted(m1) + 0.8 * (y - fitted(m1)), 
                 fitted(m1) + 0.8 * (y - fitted(m1)))
  mypoints2s <- trans3d(x1, x2, newy, pmat = res)
  if (drawArrows) 
    arrows(mypoints4$x, mypoints4$y, mypoints2s$x, mypoints2s$y, 
           col = "red", lty = 4, lwd = 0.3, length = 0.1)
  invisible(list(lm = m1, res = res))

persp_grid <- function(xlim, ylim, zlim, pmat, pos = c("z-", "z+", "x-", "x+", "y-", "y+"), n = 5, ...) {
  px <- pretty(xlim, n)[xlim[1] < pretty(xlim, n) & pretty(xlim, n) < xlim[2]]
  py <- pretty(ylim, n)[ylim[1] < pretty(ylim, n) & pretty(ylim, n) < ylim[2]]
  pz <- pretty(zlim, n)[zlim[1] < pretty(zlim, n) & pretty(zlim, n) < zlim[2]]
  if (any(pos == "z-" | pos == "z+")){
    zval <- ifelse(any(pos == "z-"), zlim[1], zlim[2])
    for (ix in px) lines (trans3d(x = ix, y = ylim, z = zval, pmat = pmat), ...) 
    for (iy in py) lines (trans3d(x = xlim, y = iy, z = zval, pmat = pmat), ...)
  if (any(pos == "x-" | pos == "x+")){
    xval <- ifelse(any(pos == "x-"), xlim[1], xlim[2])
    for (iz in pz) lines (trans3d(x = xval, y = ylim, z = iz, pmat = pmat), ...) 
    for (iy in py) lines (trans3d(x = xval, y = iy, z = zlim, pmat = pmat), ...)
  if (any(pos == "y-" | pos == "y+")){
    yval <- ifelse(any(pos == "y-"), ylim[1], ylim[2])
    for (ix in px) lines (trans3d(x = ix, y = yval, z = zlim, pmat = pmat), ...) 
    for (iz in pz) lines (trans3d(x = xlim, y = yval, z = iz, pmat = pmat), ...)

Gunakan (jika saya tidak melakukan kesalahan, my_mcGraph3(..., meshcol = "black", grid = T) setara dengan mcGraph3(...)).


mod3 <- my_mcGraph3(Coral.cover, Coral.richness,,
                 interaction = F,
                 theta = -40 ,
                 phi =20,
                 x1lab = "",
                 x2lab = "",
                 ylab = "",
                 x1lim = c(46,100),
                 x2lim = c(-2.5, 12.5),
                 zlim =c(40, 100),
                 r = 10,
                 col = 'white',
                 border = 'black',
                 box = T,
                 axes = T,
                 ticktype = "detailed",
                 ntick = 4, 
                 meshcol = "gray",    # <<- new argument
                 grid = F)            # <<- new argument

persp_grid(xlim = c(46, 100), ylim = c(-2.5, 12.5), zlim = c(40, 100), 
           pmat = mod3$res, pos = c("z-", "y+", "x+"), col = "green", lty = 2)
  # if you want only bottom grid, persp_grid(..., pos = "z-", ...)

# note
magRange(, 1.5)   # c(38, 106) is larger than zlim, so warning message comes.

fungsi persp menggambar grafik menggunakan base plot, dengan kata lain menerjemahkan koordinat 3d ke koordinat 2d terlebih dahulu dan memberikannya ke fungsi base plot. Anda bisa mendapatkan koordinat 2d dari koordinat 3d dengan trans3d(3d_coodinates, pmat). Katakanlah, Anda ingin menggambar garis dari x=46, y=-2.5, z=100 ke x=46, y=12.5, z=100. Anda bisa mendapatkan pmat pada pmat <- persp(...) atau mod <- mcGraph3(...); pmat <- mod$res. (silakan gunakan kode di bawah ini setelah kode di atas dijalankan)

coords_2d_0 <- trans3d(46, -2.5, 100, pmat = mod3$res)  # 2d_coordinates of the start point
coords_2d_1 <- trans3d(46, 12.5, 100, pmat = mod3$res)  # 2d_coordinates of the end point
points(coords_2d_0, col = 2, pch = 19); points(coords_2d_1, col = 2, pch = 19)

xx <- c(coords_2d_0$x, coords_2d_1$x)
yy <- c(coords_2d_0$y, coords_2d_1$y)
lines(xx, yy, col = "blue", lwd = 3)

masukkan deskripsi gambar di sini

person cuttlefish44    schedule 23.11.2016
Terima kasih banyak, itulah yang saya cari. Meskipun saya punya satu pertanyaan. Alasan saya menggunakan rockchalk hanya karena saya menemukan kode yang saya gunakan sangat sederhana sedangkan saya pribadi akan kesulitan untuk menulis mendekati apa yang baru saja Anda hasilkan. Dalam hal ini, bagaimana saya bisa menambahkan kembali garis putus-putus untuk mengisi kubus seperti yang saya lakukan sebelumnya? Hal ini terutama agar Anda dapat mengetahui titik tepat di mana bidang regresi menyentuh bagian depan kotak. - person user2443444; 23.11.2016
Anda dapat mengabaikan komentar itu, saya baru saja menjalankan kodenya dan kode itu ada di sana. Terima kasih atas bantuan Anda. - person user2443444; 23.11.2016